Fermentation Chamber 2.0 – Part 1

I had originally planned to dedicate a post to some updates about my life, but after reading it I felt it was a bit too much of a pity party. The short form is I was complaining I’m not the skateboarder I used to be, I’m trying too hard to be good at everything, where do I put my time, and so on and so forth.

In a sense it got me back on my skateboard and reminded me that I can still do quite a bit. Granted I’m not grinding down handrails or jumping down stair sets, but I can still do a few things, even at my ripe age of 33. Now that I’m grown up, life is a juggling act, and it’s my job to figure out where I put my time. Hopefully I’ll be writing a bit more about that later in the summer.

Since my last post, I’ve become a little more settled in my new home. It’s taken some reshuffling and reorganizing, and while I’ve still got a long ways to go before I get everything the way I want, it’s my castle.

Now that I’m able to get back into home brewing beer, I figured a good first project would be a redesigned fermentation chamber. I learned a lot from the project the first time and while it’s mostly the same, I have some improvements to make.

If you want to see the work I did on the first one, check back here. (this is the first post of building it)

The improvements I plan to make are mostly cosmetic, I found it functioned quite well. Now I just want to make it look a little nicer.

  1. The brewpi controller wiring inside the project box and inside the chamber will be cleaner (it was a wiring rats nest…)
  2. The door hinge and locks will be more robust
  3. The outside plywood panels will be stained or painted (haven’t decided which yet)
  4. There will be a sliding drawer on the top

Exterior Updates

Now that I have a little more space for woodworking, I plan to make the outside look nicer. A plywood exterior with stain would be very nice to have around, rather than just an eyesore around the house.

Below is the CAD rendering, though I expect the end result will be a little different as I start to put it together. There’s always changes.

I have the side open just to show the drawer in the one picture. There’s a few things missing, but it gives the general idea.

Current Progress

Below is the progress I’ve made so far.

Starting the frame
Test fitting the fridge and the carboy
More frame pics

Right now that’s all I’ve got. My goal is to get it functional before starting on the exterior plywood frame and the drawer. It’s got a ways to go, but at least there’s progress.

Thanks for reading!

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